Android SDK Developer Guide


M800 Communication SDK (Software Development Kit) Suite (‘M800 SDK’) is an end-to-end service for you to enrich your applications with out of the box communication and social features on top of our global network and high-grade infrastructure.

M800 Android SDK is a set of libraries written in Java. By using the available features in these best-in-class communication and social SDKs, you can enrich your existing mobile applications with messaging, voice and video communication and user engagement. In this way, it allows you to focus on what matters most to your own primary service and business.

This guide demonstrates the functionalities available in the Android SDK.

This document supports M800 SDK 3.4.0 or higher version


To successfully implement the M800 Communication Android SDK, the minimum software requirements must be adhered to:
• Android version of 4.4 or above
• Run time memory 100MB - 160MB
• 3rd party push certificate

Previous development experiences with Java and Android platform are assumed.